Designing the Management Research,research

                                             Designing the Management Research

Research design is very important for the collection of data and it helps to achieve the research aims and objectives. In this chapter it discussed the qualitative and quantitative research designs. The major difference between the quantitative methods and qualitative methods is methods deals with the numbers and more generalizable method and qualitative methods deals with text, patterns and it is less generalizable method. In this chapter it further discussed three epistemological position positivist, relativist, and social constructionist position.

Positivist Research Designs:

The most appropriate methods for this design are experimental designs and quasi experimental designs. In experimental design we used random sampling techniques and for this researcher have two groups experimental group and other one is control group. Experimental group manipulated by the researcher in order to study its effects on control group, who receive no unusual conditions. Another research design is quasi experimental design, in this research design researcher administrates and measure the outcomes of two groups or two programs/treatments and also do comparison. Validity of positivist research distinguishes between internal validity and external validity. The aim of positivist research design is to maximize internal validity and this requires the elimination of plausible alternatives explanation for any differences observed between groups. External validity deals with the generalizability .

Relativist research design: This design believes that there are the regular pattern, variables & factors in human and organizational behavior but it is difficult to detect these patterns, variables factors and give meaning to these. For relativist research design we need relatively large samples and use survey research designs. There different types of survey research design like factual survey, this survey most related with the opinion polls and market research in order to study factual data collected from target audience. Another type is inferential survey, the aim of this survey basically to establish relationship between the variables, concepts, assumptions and hypothesis.

Construction research designs: It starts with the assumption that there is no absolute truth and the job of the researcher is to establish how various claims for truth and reality become constructed in daily life. The methods for constructionist research designs are action research and cooperative inquiry and ethnography. Action research is the process process of uncovering solutions through progressive problem solving activities. The outcome is intended to improve the practices. Often performed by a group of participants, the process involves investigation through activity rather than theoretical response. Another method is ethnography, the basic idea of ethnography the researcher himself or herself should be the part of the research setting and become part of the group understudy in order to understand the meaning and significance that people give to their behavior and that of other. Another method is narrative method; the idea is that the researcher needs to collect the organization stories and myths for the research because these stories and myths explained the real pictures about the organizational life. Validity of constructionist research design distinguish in three criteria first one authenticity, it involves in convincing the reader the researcher has deep understanding of what was taking place in the organization. Second one is the plausibility here the researcher link the research with some ongoing concerns and the interests. Third one is critically; it encourages reader to ask the questions about assumptions.


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